AAI Integration for IWSz and IWSd

AAI integrates with both the IBM mainframe and distributed IWS schedulers using the IWS Connector to structure acquired scheduler data (execution events, job definitions, workload planning periods) into the correct format for AAI and to deliver that structured data to AAI. AAI then uses this information for the following purposes:

  • Enable you to define jobstream that visualize application flows

  • Forecast and track process executions that happen on the IWS systems

  • Present forecasts and process executions in an easily digestible format with aggregations for both the mainframe IWSz and distributed IWSd versions of IBM workload schedulers.

Because you can integrate multiple instances of the IWSz and/or IWSd schedulers with one AAI instance, you can see running executions of more than one IWS system without having to switch from one IWS interface to another. Furthermore, AAI provides the execution data as easily consumable, interactive data visualizations and aggregated summaries that you cannot get in an individual IWS scheduler.

IWSd Schedulers

For IWSd schedulers the IWS Connector connects directly to the IWSd database to obtain the necessary information to be structured and sent to AAI. No other components are required.

IWSz Schedulers

For IWSz schedulers a data feed mechanism must be configured on the mainframe to retrieve data from the mainframe database and provide it to the IWS Connector. Two methods are available for this purpose:

  • Recommended Method: Install the supplied the supplied Mainframe Data Provider package. It will enable you to run the IWSz Server for AAI STC to obtain the mainframe data from IWSz and deliver it to the IWS Connector. The Connector then structures the data for AAI use before passing it to AAI.

  • Run tailored JCL as batch job executions scheduled and run via IWSz.


The required IWS Connector, the Mainframe Data Provides package and sample JCL for both IWSz data feed mechanisms are provided with the AAI downloads.

Who Should Read These Topics?

Implementing the IWS Connector and the IWSz Server for AAI and establishing the connection to the AAI server requires the collaboration between mainframe specialists and AAI administrators. To accomplish these tasks, a deep understanding of both mainframe environments and of AAI is required.

These topics describe the IWS integration components and provide detailed implementation steps for each IWS